6 minutes • January 13, 2017
"L'Histoire d'un Mercenaire" started out life as a simple, witty vocal ensemble piece about the lives of the randomly-generated troops who fill out your party over the course of Final Fantasy: Tactics' campaign. Based on "Soldier Agency", what it evolved into is something far more operatic, something that owes much more to Bernstein's "Candide" as Stravinsky's "L'Histoire du soldat", its referential namesake. Special thanks to the outstanding SONG CYCLE vocalists, Laura Intravia, Annie Rosen, Elizabeth Zharoff and Doug Perry for bringing their wonderful talents to bear on another project, Andrew Stern and Andrew Steffen of the ETHEReal String Orchestra, Kristin Naigus, Chris Vaughn, and Francisco J. Joubert for our excellent woodwind section, and Ian Martyn for being my "Tactics" lore-master.
Appears on ZODIAC: Final Fantasy Tactics Remixed
WARNER/CHAPPELL MUSIC, INC. | Original Publisher |
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