3 minutes • January 23, 2018
Hope 3 is a new version of a series of songs I've written in MOD format since the mid 1990s. The first was released with the group Bass Productions (run by Bryan Rudge). The second, Hope 2, was released as part of an Audiokinetic demonstration as part of their game audio "Wwise" engine. Cort followed these tunes and requested a third to complete the set. I was only too happy to oblige. - Alexander Brandon
To add to Alex's story: there's a fantastic connection all the way back to "Face of the Dragon", the intro to the Bass Productions musicdisk of the same name. I've been a fan of Alex's music since his work as Siren/Sandman of KFMF in the 1990s, and remember tracking down his releases in the pre-Google internet. When I fired up "Face Of The Dragon" and heard a reference to the melody from "Hope", it absolutely blew my mind: Songs can quote OTHER SONGS?!?! UNPOSSIBLE! I had very few specific requirements when I commissioned "Hope 3," and was more than happy to let Alex work his usual magic. I wanted to hear that original melody make one more long-overdue cameo.
Appears on Just Fun Custom
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