Kyle Brook, from Yorkshire, England has been involved in video game music since late 2011, and involved in music generally since 2002 (at age 5, when he started playing guitar). He took interest in production around the same time he became interested in video game music, and this interest was thanks to Sonic the Hedgehog. He found his way into the community thanks to a small fan-album called Sonic Segatenderations, and is now involved in projects like Sonic Misadventures, and Sonic: The Wrath of Nazo. Outside of this, he has a very strong affinity for popular music, and creates covers on his Youtube channel, as well as remixing music from other video games, and anime. Currently attending University for Music Production. Influences include the likes of Status Quo, Jun Senoue, Dave Grohl, and more or less every great musician on SoundCloud/YouTube.