Caelin Eager is a classically trained pianist and amateur composer currently living in Los Angeles. She recently received her B.A in Music from the University of La Verne at age 20, and is looking to study abroad in the future to advance her musical knowledge. She has experience in collaborative and solo piano, and teaches private theory and piano lessons.
It is only recently, after taking a 2 unit course on composition, that Caelin has begun developing an interest in composing. Several of her original compositions have been premiered at the University of La Verne, including the choral work “La Musique” and three pieces from the set “The Zodiac”, performed by the composer.
Video game music has always been a special interest for her, as it is a unique way to convey stories and characters to an audience in different ways than movies or live performance can. In the end, video games are about entertainment and fun, which is why she is excited to get a chance to help with this project.
Caelin’s favorite color is pink, and she lives with her pet betta fish named Mahler.