arthur x medic makes noise and enjoys cryptography. He is probably a sky pirate from another world.
arthur x medic has contributed to 19 releases by Materia Collective & Firaga Records.
By arthur x medic
By TOFIE, RoBKTA, arthur x medic, Tetracase, chjolo, Glenntai, Shady Monk, RoboRob
By Ben Briggs, Tron Bonne Art
By Ben Briggs, RoboRob
By RoboRob, Firaga
By arthur x medic, Ben Briggs, RoboRob, VGR, baircave, Flexstyle, Epikuro, Firaga
By arthur x medic, RoboRob, nokbient, Kabuki, Polykor, floopy, Full Mana, Firaga
By Firaga, Tiny Waves, bLiNd, arthur x medic, RoboRob, nokbient, Bolide, Mega Flare, SARE, Flexstyle, Vector U, floopy, Jewel Maiden
By arthur x medic, Besso0, RoboRob, nokbient, VGR, Catmosphere, Bolide, Mega Flare, baircave, Vector U, Ben Briggs, Firaga
By SARE, Firaga
By arthur x medic, Firaga
By Firaga